Search Info On BlackBerries

What kinds of people own Blackberries?

Posted by gcfraley / Category:

By Rick Jones

Smartphones are everywhere at the moment. What used to be a select device of people that needed them for work has now become a commonplace entertainment facilitator. With the increasingly ubiquitous nature of these gadgets comes an increasing social awareness of what the phone is shorthand for about your personality. One type of phone that's always had a really clear image associated with it is the Blackberry. But what exactly is it saying about you if you have one?

The Blackberry phone came out of necessity. Unlike hardware that seems less sure of what it purpose is other than as a cool gadget, such as the i-pad, the Blackberry was made to address the needs of businesses. In business the increasing dependence on internet communication made it necessary to have something that could access email on the move, while still being able to function as an integrated phone. Integrated, portable communication meant better control for companies, and the Blackberry was the first thing to do this well.

The phone became so associated with professional use that it was even approved for use within highly sensitive agencies, such as the police and intelligence services. This is partly because of its image, but also because of it being actually highly secure and difficult to hack. As a result it's clearly the phone to use if you want to look like you take what you're doing seriously. It's this feedback of serious people making it look more serious that keeps its niche secure.

In contrast the Apple devices out there are primarily for recreation. They're associated with facebook and twitter and other diversions that don't speak to people as being professional. The apps mentality of i-phones means they're there to maintain a social image and entertain yourself, neither of which fit exactly with a suit job. Basically Apple devices have chosen to appeal to a wider field at the expense of looking like a toy.

Similarly the Android devices take things even further. By making an open market for app companies, and enabling people more control they actually make their phones seem less secure for business. The smart choice is still a Blackberry, at least in terms of appearance.

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